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Unbreakable: Saints Who Inspired Saints to Moral Courage

In the battle for our children’s souls, Catholic parents have a key advantage over the world: our children were made for heaven. God willed us to exist now—in a world that celebrates sin as virtue and punishes Christians as “haters”—as part of His merciful plan. Unbreakable helps Catholic parents raise strong children able to resist the soul-endangering temptation to “get along” to “get ahead” in the world.


Recognizing that what occupies our children’s imagination is of profound importance, this book tells the stories of four of the Church’s most courageous saints—Saint Joan of Arc, Saint José Luis Sánchez del Río, Blessed Jerzy PopieÅ‚uszko, and Saint Teresa of Calcutta—and ten saints who inspired them during their lives, including Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Juan Diego, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, and Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, among others.


Written for modern parents, Unbreakable continues a long tradition of helping families build a Catholic culture in their homes that can be passed on for generations.

In God’s abundant generosity, He confers on all His children the power to know, love, and serve Him. But He requires our participation. In order to spend eternity with Him in heaven, we must answer His call now.

Editorial Reviews

Ryan T. Anderson.jpg

Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D.

President, Ethics and Public Policy Center


"Unbreakable is as beautifully written as it is spiritually profound. Kimberly Begg has written a must-read for parents to help us introduce our children to fourteen inspirational saints—all at the service of raising children to desire sanctity. My wife and I will be using this book with our kids. Warmly recommended." 




Abby Johnson

Pro-life activist and author of Unplanned


“The battle for our children’s souls is as real and relentless as it is winnable. Evil is no match for God’s children who truly know who they are and why they were made. Written to be a resource for Catholic parents, Unbreakable tells the fascinating stories of saints—including one of my pro-life heroes, St. Teresa of Calcutta—who courageously embraced their calling in the world by drawing on the inspiration of their favorite saints. My message to Catholic parents is this: keep a copy of this powerful book in your home library and pass it on to your children when they become parents. There is nothing more important than guiding your family on your path to Heaven.”


Very Rev. Thomas Petri, O.P.

President, The Dominican House of Studies, Washington, DC


“We know that like attracts like, and sanctity in one often overflows to others. This is why history is filled with saints who knew and loved each other in life: Peter and Paul, Cosmos and Damian, Monica and Augustine, Francis and Clare, Theresa of Avila and John of the Cross. The list goes on. What Kimberly Begg shows in Unbreakable, however, is that the friendship of saints often crosses the divide of death, with saintly men and women still on earth drawing inspiration as well as intercession from saints already in heaven who, no doubt, waited for the pilgrims to join them in paradise. Begg's book encourages every pilgrim pursuing holiness to be inspired by the true friendship we can have with the saints even now as we long to join them in the eternal happiness of God.”


Michael and Catherine Pakaluk

Professors, Busch School of Business at the Catholic University of America


"Unbreakable is a modern spiritual treasure for parents. Beautifully written, fast paced, and deeply moving, the book presents stories of great heroes and heroines of the faith. The text springs from Begg's own deep faith, evident on every page, and she urges us to see the nature of spiritual parenthood: become a saint, because saints give rise to saints! Read this book, and see how quickly these stories will enliven your faith and provide occasions for reflection about our sacred task."



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